I’ve scrubbed the floor and hoovered the dust but there is no reprieve!
Living in your renovation building site is not for the faint-hearted. Everything is a major effort compared to the luxuries of modern life. Toilets, showers, washing machines are a thing of the past for the (thankfully) short term. For now, we’re making do with our temporary situation and getting outside as much as possible to enjoy the summer sunshine.
We swim at the lake and take showers there or in our garden standing on an old pallet with a showerhead suspended from our storeroom top window with water flowing from a container heated by the sun. It’s amazing how inventive and resourceful you get.
On other days when we’re not feeling so resourceful we ‘Escape to the Chateau’ – literally! P.S. Noticed Dick & Angel have a new series (July 2019) if you’re interested in all things DIY, lifestyle, French, a new life in the sunshine.

The plan was to stop in a Chateau en route to Le Chassaing but we were so keen to get here we ended up in Sancerre with vineyards aplenty. So we’re saving our luxury retreat for a later date.
Back to Le Chassaing…
The heat has been extreme, particularly in the loft. But now it’s cooled down to 32 Degrees, Simon has managed to get our hot water tank in position ready for the shower pump to go in and soon to be shower room. Until the fosse septique is fitted in September we have soakaway drainage for the sinks and shower. A big waste tank and superb pump to remove our grey water to the soakaway. We’re paying close attention to the products that we use to ensure that we don’t pollute the earth around us. Check out Simon’s funky temporary taps. Just also noticed the garlic on the chopping board – well we are in France he, he, he.

Shampoo & Conditioner – Faith In Nature
Washing up liquid – Ecover
Clothes washing liquid & fabric conditioner – Method
Disinfectant spray – Method
Hand Wash – Diluted Dr Bronners Castile Soap (Almond)
Toothpaste – taking a research approach at the moment not quite ready for cinnamon powder. I’ll keep you posted. I’m not into the recent charcoal fad as it’s a no brainer on the carcinogenic element, isn’t it? I’m happy to learn more on the toothpaste subject, what are your findings?
The mini garden from Buxton Derbyshire is thriving in France. The strawberries are ripening beautifully. We’ve been out and about to take in some amazing views on a quick trip to Clermont Ferrand. I really enjoyed our brief trip to this University City filled with history, and art. I’m excited to return as a tourist to see more. It’s reassuring to be only an hour’s drive and similar to most high streets – home from home. We collected our new French sim card for the router and full signal is as good as our fiber optic connection in the UK. The winter weather may interfere with the connection but I’ll let you know how that goes.