Time to chill out
The food, the scenery the lifestyle. Christmas is coming and our focus is on home and family at the moment. We help others every day to achieve the best for their business. We support charities and help them out with their online web presence every year. Even in the toughest economic conditions, we have continued to support businesses that have really struggled this year. It’s a relief for many to have continued trading online. Before we dash into 2021 we want to take time to recharge our batteries. This blog has provided an opportunity for us to share our ideas and look back and see how much we’ve achieved!
December is probably the only time when the software engineering work slows down for us so we make the most of every minute.
Before the winter set in with freezing temperatures, I was able to complete some pointing on the front wall of the Cider House. It was heavy work for a DIYer lime is not the easiest material to work with. Take a look at the Cider House Progress here.
A glimpse of November – December in pictures